9月26日在尼泊尔国家旅游局,尼泊尔政府秘书长、旅游局长为我颁发了一个不同寻常的奖牌,据说这是第一次授予外国人的奖励。尼泊尔政府将不限次数地欢迎我到尼泊尔摄影采风,所有费用全部由尼泊尔政府承担。因为,许多中国人看了我拍的尼泊尔的照片以后来尼泊尔旅游,而且,我的相机把之前人迹罕至的地方变成了旅游和摄影的热地。这里面肯定有褒奖之意,作为我十二次尼泊尔摄影之行的回报,真心地感谢尼泊尔的朋友们。感谢尼泊尔驻华大大使馆给我主办的摄影展、感谢上海世博会尼泊尔馆为我出版了《加德满都的故事》画册。感谢尼泊尔AOE旅游公司和高亮博士为了安排可心的旅行。 01. Nepali Photographer Om Prakash Yadav (Left) being awarded by Chief Secretary Lila Mani Poudel during a function organized by National Tourism Federation on the eve of  34th World Tourism Day at NTB, Kathmandu on Thursday. also seen in the picture is Chinese Photographer Su Xue (2nd from R) and acting CEO of NTB Suvash Niraula. Xue was also honoured for promoting tourism among Chinese tourists thru his pictures of Nepal.

01. Nepali Photographer Om Prakash Yadav (Left) being awarded by Chief Secretary Lila Mani Poudel during a function organized by National Tourism Federation on the eve of 34th World Tourism Day at NTB, Kathmandu on Thursday. also seen in the picture is Chinese Photographer Su Xue (2nd from R) and acting CEO of NTB Suvash Niraula. Xue was also honoured for promoting tourism among Chinese tourists thru his pictures of Nepal.

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02. (from left) Chinese Photographer Su Xue, Chief Secretary Lila Mani Poudel, Photographer Om Prakash Yadav and President of National Tourism Federation Nepal Jyoti Adhikari during a function to mark 34th World Tourism Day at NTB hall, Kathmandu on Thursday. Xue and Yadav were honoured for their contribution to promote Nepali tourism thru their pictures. <br />
Photos Courtesy NTF/Nepal

02. (from left) Chinese Photographer Su Xue, Chief Secretary Lila Mani Poudel, Photographer Om Prakash Yadav and President of National Tourism Federation Nepal Jyoti Adhikari during a function to mark 34th World Tourism Day at NTB hall, Kathmandu on Thursday. Xue and Yadav were honoured for their contribution to promote Nepali tourism thru their pictures.
Photos Courtesy NTF/Nepal